To extract the maximum pleasure from Melo Coffee, store it in a cool, dark, dry place prior to brewing and follow the instructions below. In this way you can benefit most from our uncompromising high standards for quality and freshness for an unforgettable coffee experience. See also our Tips for Maximum Pleasure...

Brewing coffee is as much of an art as it is a science. The history of brewing devices is rich, and methods of brewing are culturally dependent. Of the thousands of machines and brewing devices invented since the advent of coffee consumption only a few have gained worldwide popularity. The methods discussed below are recommended since they have been found to maximize the extraction of the beneficial flavors of coffee, while minimizing the extraction of bitter and undesirable components.


  1. Melo Coffee is at its best right after roasting. We recommend that you consume our coffee within a few weeks after opening the vacuum-sealed bag. We do not recommend storing Melo Coffee in the freezer.

  2. Use only fresh, cold, filtered water or spring water for preparation, and the cleanest brewing equipment. Do not use distilled water.

  3. Make sure the coffee grind is compatible with your coffeemaker.

  4. Use a rounded teaspoon of coffee for each cup of water. Use more or less coffee to your liking.

  5. The best cup of coffee must be served immediately or within 15 minutes after brewing, in order to enjoy the fullest flavor and aroma. Relax, unwind, and savor the richness of our Melo Coffee.

  6. Never, re-heat your coffee! Make only as much coffee as you need. Continuous heating of coffee leads to bitterness.


Heat a jug or pot and put the required amount of course or medium ground coffee. Pour on hot water, leave for 2 minutes, stir leave for another 2 minutes, then strain into cups. TIP: adding a little bit of cold water will help settle the grounds before pouring into cups.

The French Press Method is a sophisticated version of the pot method. Pour very hot water into medium ground coffee. Insert the plunger into cafetière without depressing it Let stand for a few minutes, then slowly push the plunger down so that the grounds are pushed all the way to the bottom. This method offers unparalleled flavor due to perfect extraction time and delivery of the volatile oils that are often trapped in filters. Cafetière, or French press, is also the least expensive brewer available.

This is another popular way of making coffee. Although filters are now available which do not require paper filters or use a permanent filter (i.e. Swiss Gold), the finely ground coffee is usually measured into the paper filter which is fitted to a cone. Hot water is poured into the filter, and coffee drips into a container. Today's coffee filter machines keep the coffee hot on a thermostatic controlled hot plate, but coffee should not be kept hot for longer than 30 minutes, continuous heating of coffee leads to bitterness.

A cylindrical container fits over a pot and the two containers are divided by a filter. Warm the pot, place the finely ground coffee in the filter, pour on the hot water and cover the upper container. When all the water has dripped through, remove the upper part, and place a lid on the pot. The Neapolitan flip pot is a variation of the drip pot method.

In this method, steam pressure forces liquid continuously up a central tube in the pot and over the medium ground coffee. This is not a recommended way to prepare good coffee.

Invented by Robert Napier in 1840 this method makes an excellent coffee. To prepare coffee in a vacuum pot add the proper amount of filtered water to the bottom bulb, attach the filter to the upper bulb and fit the upper glass bulb tightly over the bottom glass bulb. Place the vacuum pot on the stove making sure that the bottom bulb is completely dry on the outside. Use a medium grind and add the grounds when the water begins to fill the upper chamber. Leave the pot on the stove for 3.5 minutes and then place on a hot pad. Within 30 seconds the lower pot will cool enough to form a vacuum to pull the brewing coffee into the lower chamber, thereby separating it from the grounds. Experiment with the heating and cooling cycles until the total extraction time is between 4-5 minutes.

This method was invented in 1946 by Achille Gaggia. Steam and water are forced through the coffee, producing a stronger brew than is achieved simply with boiling water. Uses a fine ground coffee.

When the grinding, the tamping and the pressure brewing all come together in the right combination your espresso will always feature a foamy layer on top, called "crema". The crema traps the fine aromatics and the light gaseous flavors that register on the palate. It keeps the flavors, which would otherwise escape, locked in. The crema is the hallmark of a well-prepared espresso.

Pressure is the result of the packed (tamped) coffee giving the water resistance to pass through. The pump forces the water through that resistance and the power it needs to do so is commonly measured in bar (= kg per square centimeter). Good pumps should be able to withstand more pressure than they need to produce perfect espresso so that they don't break when the conditions are not perfect. A good pump has a capacity of 15 bars or more.

To produce a lasting crema on top of your espresso the water should pass through the coffee at approximately 7 to 9 bars of pressure. If the pressure is lower, the crema will disappear before you can enjoy your coffee and the coffee will taste thin and watery. This is mostly the case when there is too little coffee in the filter holder or brewing chamber or if the coffee is too coarsely ground. If the pressure is higher than 9 bars, the coffee will taste bitter, and the espresso will have no crema on top. This is mostly the case when the small metal sieves are dirty or clogged or when the coffee is ground too fine.

An ibrik or small, long-handled pot is the vessel used for making Turkish coffee. The coffee should be Dark roast (Continental) and ground to a fine powder. Place the coffee, sugar and water in the ibrik and bring to a boil, then remove the ibrik from the heat and stir the coffee. Repeat this process twice. Pour into demitasse cups and serve.